Your Relationship with a Real Estate Professional

Real estate professionals have a regulatory requirement to present you with this consumer information before providing services to you.

This information explains the different relationships you can have with a real estate professional to buy, sell or lease property. Before you disclose confidential information to a real estate professional regarding a real estate transaction, you should understand what type of business relationship you have with that individual.

BC Financial Services Authority is the legislated regulatory agency that works to ensure real estate professionals have the skills and knowledge to provide you with a high standard of service. All real estate professionals must follow rules that help protect consumers, like you. We’re here to help you understand your rights as a real estate consumer. Keep this information page for your reference.

You can work with a real estate professional in one of the following ways:

As a client

If you are the client of a real estate professional, they work on your behalf. The real estate professional representing you has special legal duties to you, including:

Loyalty. They will act only in your best interests.

Full disclosure. They must tell you everything they know that might influence your decision in a transaction.

Avoid conflicts of interest. They must avoid any situation that would affect their duty to act in your best interests.

Confidentiality. They must not reveal your private information without your permission, even after your relationship ends. That includes:

  • your reasons for buying, selling or leasing
  • your minimum/maximum price
  • any preferred terms and conditions you may
  • want to include in a contract

When you become a client, you may be asked to sign a written agreement setting out your and the real estate professional’s responsibilities.

As a non-client

A real estate professional who is not representing you as a client does not owe you special legal duties:

No loyalty. They may be representing a client with competing interests to yours in a transaction. They must be loyal to their client, not you.

No duty of full disclosure. They do not have a duty to give you all relevant information.

No duty to avoid conflicts. They are not acting in your interests.

No confidentiality. They must share any information you tell them with their clients in a transaction.

As a non-client, a real estate professional may give you only limited services.

Whenever a real estate professional works with you in a real estate transaction, whether you are their client or not, they have a responsibility to act honestly and with reasonable care and skill.

Owners Portal

Disclosure of Representation in Trading Services

This is a required disclosure form in compliance with section 54 of the Rules under the Real Estate Services Act. The real estate professional must present the Your Relationship with a Real Estate Professional information page to you along with this disclosure form.
Disclosure of Representation in Trading Services

Real Estate Professional Disclosure Details

I disclose that I am:

Consumer Acknowledgment

This is NOT a contract
I acknowledge that I have received the Your Relationship with a Real Estate Professional consumer information page and this disclosure form.
