Owners Portal PRE-AUTHORIZED Deposit (PAD) SERVICE Owner PAD Form NAME(S): I/We of ADDRESS Agree to the following: 1. To allow ROYAL LEPAGE NORTHSTAR REALTY TO CREDIT MY/OUR ACCOUNT for the purpose of: DEPOSITING RENTAL INCOME. The Payments will be deposited to my account between the 10 - 15th of each month. Should there be an error in the amount deposited the deposit will automatically be reversed. If this PAD service requires changes or termination to the pre-authorized deposit account, a written notification must be emailed to Admin@picketfencepmg.com 10 days prior to the PAD withdrawal. PLEASE EMAIL A VOID CHEQUE OR YOUR ONLINE PAD FORM FROM YOUR BANK TO ADMIN@PICKETFENCEPMG.COM Banking Information: Transit # (5 DIGITS) Institution Code (3 DIGITS) Account Number The undersigned hereby confirms their authorization in accordance with the provisions contained herein: warrants that all persons whose signatures are required to sign on this account have signed below; guarantees all information contained herein is correct and to the best of their knowledge; and is/are solely responsible for any consequences due to providing fraudulent information contained herein. Signature signature keyboard Clear Date Phone Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ